BACK May 2012

Curiculum vitae of Yury Neretin

Full name: Neretin Yury

Present position: Mathematical Department, University of Vienna, grant FWF, Project P31591.

Former positions: 1. Moscow State Institute of electronics and mathematics (MIEM), Assistant professor 1983-1989; Associated professor 1989-1992; Full professor 1992 -- 2001
2. Independent University of Moscow, 1991-2001
3. Max-Plank-Institute-fur Mathematik, Bonn; 1995-1996,
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow. 03.2001-11.2021
4. Erwin Schroedinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, principal fellowship, 2001--2003
5. Mathematical department, University of Vienna, 2003--2006
6. Mathematical department, University of Vienna, FWF grants P19064, P22122, P25142, P28421, 2006--2019.
7. Wolfgang Pauli Institute, 2019-2020

Fields of interest: Infinite dimensional groups, representation theory, noncommutative harmonic analysis, symmetric spaces, stochastic processes, special functions, linear operators, mathematical physics, history of mathematics.

neretin(frog)mccme(punct)ru, yurii(punct)neretin(dog)univie(dot)ac(punct)at

Education: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, student 1975-1980, postgraduate student 1980-1983, ( Chair of Function theory and Functional analysis, scientific adviser: A.A.Kirillov)

Ph.D. Moscow State University, 1984, Unitary highest weight representations of Virasoro Algebra (Russian)
Russian doctor degree: Steklov Institute, 1992, On representations of category of Riemann surfaces (Russian)

Date and place of birth: 2 july 1959, Moscow

Family status: married. Wife: Neretina (Gavrina) Tatiana Vladimirovna
Chidren: Nikolay (1991), Tatiana (1994), Mikhail (2003)
Citezenship: Russia

Home address: Novozavodskaya ul., 25/11-6-27, Moscow 121309, Russia


Most important research projects funded in the past: Grants of FWF, P19064 (Homogeneous spaces, infinite dimensional groups, and harmonic analysis),
P22122 (Analysis on homogeneus spaces, infinite dimensional groups, and special functions).
Other former reserch projects: NWO.047.017.015, JSPS-RFBR-07.01.91209, NWO 047-008-009, RFBR 98-01-00303, RFBR 96-01-96249, RosAtom-H.4e. RFRF 95-01-00814,

Prise of Moscow Mathematical Society ("Representations of group of diffeomorphisms of the circle"), 1989

Invited lecture on 1-st European Mathematical Congress, Paris, 1992

Member of editorial board of Moscow Math. Journal. and Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Categories of symmetries and infinite-dimensional groups. London Mathematical Society Monographs. 1996. Russian edition: Editorial URSS, 1998
Lectures on Gaussian integral operators and classical groups. EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zurich, 2011
(with A.A.Kirillov) Representation theory and non-commutative harmonic analysis-I. Encyclopaedia Math. Sci., 22, Springer, 1994.

Editing of collection of papers: Yu. Neretin M., Olshanetsky, A. Rosly, (editors), Moscow seminar in mathematical physics. II. American Mathematical Society, 2007 (series AMS translations, v.221).

List of papers:
