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Note: Autoupdate is no longer maintained. These pages remain here only for historic reasons.

This section describes some sample configurations. For a list of all available options please refer to the man page or use autoupd --help to get a list of all command line options.

Warning: If you store rpms in the update dir according to architecture, your update dir needs two trailing slashes at the end!
The same applies to directories at remote sites.
  1. Standalone configuration
  2. Simple server configuration
  3. Advanced server configuration
  4. Repository configuration

Standalone configuration

On a single machine I recommend the default autoupdate.conf configuration file (which will be installed in /etc/autoupdate.d). There is no need to change anything, but you still might want to browse it and change some defaults (e.g. the default verbosity level).

Next you will need to set up a dld configuration file for every site you want to check for updates. As a start you can just install one of the sample *.dld configuration files (or use one of the samples as a template).

For example the default dld configuration for redhat updates looks like

# /etc/autoupdate.d/redhat.dld
# Download configuration file for redhat updates
# *** Please choose a mirror close to you! ***
# Protocol (defaults to ftp)
# If you want to override the default from the config file
# Should we retry if our first login attempt fails? Useful for busy
# mirrors.
# How long should we wait between two connection attempts?

# In general, only updated rpms will be downloaded. However, if DldUnknown
# is set to 1, new rpms which are not in the provides data base are downloaded
# so that their dependency information can be added to the provides data
# base. This is needed for the dependency resolution and should be set to
# 1 at least for your distribution updates. If set to 2, all new rpms will
# be downloaded.
# If you also want rpms you don't have installed downloaded, the set
# this to 1
#DldNew= 0
# Descend directories recursively at the remote site?
# Any number of directories can be given here (one "Dir=..." per line).
# The two trailing slashes at the end will make autoupdate search in
# subdirectories according to architecture (alternatively, you can omit
# the trailing slashes and use DldRecursive=1, however, the syntax below
# will not search directories corresponding to archs you do not need and
# is hence faster)

Again, there is nothing to change except that you might want to replace with a mirror close to you.

Now just type autodld. This will download all new updates from and upgrade your system. Moreover, linking autodld to /etc/cron.daily will check for updates every day and you (root) will get a list of all rpms which have been upgraded via email. In this case you might also want to set Verbose=0 (in autoupdate.conf) such that it only produces output if new rpms are found (or put a script into /etc/cron.daily which invokes it as autoupdate --noverbose).

Of course you can create additional *.dld configuration files for additional sites you want to check. For example here is one which will get you the latest Webmin package:

# /etc/autoupdate.d/webmin.dld
# Download configuration file for webmin updates
# older versions use some non-standard rpm names
# plus some strange version numbers


If you want to use the get mode (i.e., use AutoUpdate to install new rpms plus dependencies) as well, you need to set up get configuration files for each site you want to search for those new rpms. So if you want to be able to add additional rpms from the redhat distribution you could use:

# /etc/autoupdate.d/redhat.get
# Get configuration file for redhat rpms. This file will only be used
# during get mode.
# *** Please choose a mirror close to you! ***
# Descend directories recursively at the remote site?
# Any number of directories can be given here (one "Dir=..." per line).
# The BaseDir will be added to all Dir's which do not start with
# a "/".
# Check the updates as well to make sure we get the latest version
Adding also a get file freshrpms.get for you can use AutoUpdate to install some of the nice multimedia applications which are missing in RedHat due to patent issues (See also the Quick Start Guide). Further sample *.dld and *.get configuration files can be found here. Note: If you have sufficient drive space you can configure an RPMDir and copy all rpms from your distribution to this directory. These rpms will then be used during get mode as well as for resolving dependencies. In particular, if you use autoins instead of rpm -i to install rpms, it will add rpms from the RPMDir automatically whenever they are required by one of the new rpms! (Of course you can add additional (nonredhat) rpms to the RPMDir or remove some which you know you will never need.)

Simple server configuration

In addition, it can be used to keep an entire site up to date.

In the simplest case you have one server which is more or less identiacal to the clients (in particular, server and clients have the same version of your distribution installed). In this case you should make the following changes in autoupdate.conf:

If your clients have some rpms installed, which your server has not installed, change also (at least) in your redhat.dld config file, to make sure rpms your server has not installed get downloaded as well. It will act like a (smart) mirroring software which downloads the latest version of each rpm it finds in this case.

Moreover, if you have sufficient drive space you might set up an RPMDir which contains all rpms your boxes have installed and use these rpms for comparison instead of the installed ones. This will be done automatically. If you want AutoUpdate to use only the rpms in RPMDir, you can set DldAddInstalled=0.

Finally, all you have to do is to export the UpdateDir via one of the methods supported by AutoUpdate (ftp,sftp,http,https) and let the clients check it. The best solution is probably to export this directory via nfs and let the clients use it directly. This way the clients can use the provides database of the server and they have full access to the rpm headers (e.g., they will use the epoch and obsoletes tags). Otherwise you might also set up an repository.

Advanced Server configuration

In a more advanced setting, you have clients which have different version of the distribution installed and you want one server to download the updates for all clients (moreover, one server could even download updates for different distributions).

The problem now is, that the server does not know what version of each rpm the different clients have installed and, in particular, it cannot use the rpm it has installed for comparison. Hence you have to use

and set up differnt UpdateDir's and RPMDir's for every version. (Note, if you use DldNew=1 you could leave the RPMDir empty - see the previous item).

Here is my setup. I have (customized) RedHat, Fedora distributions on my server in /usr/src/redhat-{7.3,9}, /usr/src/fedora-1 and I keep the updates in /usr/src/redhat-{7.3,9}/updates, /usr/src/fedora-1/updates. In addition to the the above I use

and add MatchDistName=RedHat to redhat.{dld,get} and MatchDistName=Fedora to fedora.{dld,get}. In addition, I use DldNew=1 for the RedHat and Fedora updates.

From /etc/cron.daily I run

# This gets the updates for the RedHat 7.3 clients
autodld --noverbose --noupdate --distversion 7.3
# This gets the updates for the Fedora 1 clients
autodld --noverbose --noupdate --distname Fedora --distversion 1
# This gets the updates for the 9 clients and at the same time upgrades the server
autodld --noverbose
on the server and
# Sleep some random time between 0 and 2 hours
sleep $((RANDOM % 7200))
export HOME=/root

# Upgrade rpms 
autoupd --noverbose --kernel --updatedir $RHDIR/updates --rpmdir $RHDIR/RedHat/RPMS

# Install new rpms
autoins --noverbose --updatedir $RHDIR/newrpms --rpmdir $RHDIR/RedHat/RPMS
on the clients, where /auto.mnt/redhat is the /usr/src/redhat-{8.0,9} directory (auto)mounted via nfs from the server. New rpms can be installed on all clients by copying them to the newrpms directory.

Finally, you can use the --merge option to replace all rpms in your distribution with the updated ones. This is particularly usefull if you use the rpm directory for nfs installs or want to burn your own cds (you need to run genhdlist for the RedHat installer to work with the updated rpms). Similarly, --purge will remove old versions from the updates directory.

Repository configuration

When searching for updates AutoUpdate has to read off all information from the filename. Hence it will miss any information which is not part of the filename, in particular the EPOCH and OBSOLETE tags. To make this information available to AutoUpdate you can create a special file autoinfo.bz2 in the UpdatesDir using
autoupd --autoinfo
Setting the option
  • GenerateAutoInfo=1
This file will be generated automatically whenever now rpms have been downloaded.

Now instead of letting the clients parse the directory, you can just point them to this autoinfo file.

# /etc/autoupdate.d/myserver.dld
# Download configuration file for redhat updates
# Protocol (defaults to ftp)

  • The autoinfo file should be in the same directory as the updates otherwise you need to set RPMBaseDir (if the autoinfo file is in a directory named base it will look for the rpms in RPMS). If the updates are stored by arch, you should use AutoInfo=/path/to//autoinfo.bz2 respectively RPMBaseDir=/path/to/rpms//.
  • The autoinfo file is a plain text file which can be (optionally) compressed with bzip2 or gzip (as indicated by its extension)

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