5.1.4 Cylinder

The syntax of the cylinder object is:
  cylinder { BASE_CENTER, CAP_CENTER, RADIUS [open] 

See also:

This describes a circular cylinder orthogonal to the axes from BASE_CENTER (=V0) to the CAP_CENTER (=V1) with radius RADIUS (=R), e.g.

$\displaystyle \verb'cylinder' \{ 0, y, R \} = \{\langle X,Y,Z\rangle:X^2+Z^2\leq R^2,\,0\leq Y\leq 1\}

Figure: Cylinders
Image /home/andreas/tex/Books/computer-graphics/img//obj-cylinder.png

The optional keyword open makes the cylinder hollow and removes the base and cap disk.

Figure: Open Cylinders
Image /home/andreas/tex/Books/computer-graphics/img//obj-cylinder-open.png

The general cylinder can be obtained from `cylinder { 0, y, 1 }' by scaling, rotation and translation.

Andreas Kriegl 2003-07-23