Publ. l'I.R.M.A., Strasbourg, 476/TS-29, 1991, 119 pages

Guo-Niu Han

Calcul Denertien

(Thèse de Doctorat, 1991)

Abstract. This doctoral thesis consists of three parts. In the first part, a bijection ("the third fundamental transformation") is constructed which maps the pair of word statistics (exc,den) (where "exc" denotes the number of excedances and "den" denotes the Denert statistics) to the pair (des,maj) (where "des" denotes the number of descents and "maj" denotes MacMahon's major index). The second part contains a combinatorial study of the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials, where, in particular, monotonicity results for these polynomials are proven. The third part is devoted to certain functions (originally introduced by Dominique Dumont) which are enumerated by the Genocchi numbers. We define three statistics on these functions and prove a strong symmetry property for them.

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