Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations"

Location: OMP 1, HS 14, 2nd floor Mon, 4. Aug (Opening: 17:00) - Tue, 5. Aug 14
Fak. Math. U.Wien
WPI + Inst. CNRS Pauli
Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o U.Wien)
Claude Bardos (Paris - ICP - WPI)

Talks in the framework of this event

Mauser, Norbert Julius; Universität Wien & WPI & CNRS Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 17:00
“Nonlinear Introduction”
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Bardos, Claude; Ulm; Paris & WPI Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 17:10
Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Analysis, Models and Numerics”
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Schiedmayer, Jörg; TU Wien Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 17:20
„Ultracold Atoms: Experiments, Models and Simulations“
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Golse, Francois; Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 17:30
“epsilon goes to zero: from linear many body to nonlinear one body equations”
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Brenier, Yann; CNRS Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 17:40
“Modulated Energy: Set the control for the heart of the sun”
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Stimming, Hans-Peter; Universität Wien & WPI Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 17:50
ABC: how to mimick infinity
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Mazets, Igor; TU Wien & WPI Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 18:00
Thermalization & Decoherence: Stochastics in Quantum Mechanics”
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

Gottlieb, Alex; WPI Hörsaal 14, Fakultät für Mathematik Mon, 4. Aug 14, 18:10
“Correlations & Entanglement: entropy measures“
  • Thematic program: Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014)
  • Event: Symposium on "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" (2014)

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