Sommersemester 2006

Lehrveranstaltungen von Peter Michor

250441 VO, 2 stündig. Globale Analysis (Der universelle Teichmüller Raum)
Global Analysis (The unversal Teichmüller space)

3h. Mo - Do 9.00 - 9.55, pktl. D-107, Beginn Mo. 6. März. Die Vorlesung wird hin und wieder ausfallen. Nächste Vorlesung am 14. April. Dann sollte es auch ein Skriptum geben.

The space of smooth simple closed plane curves is diffeomorphic (using the Riemann mapping theorem) to the diffeomorphism group of the circle modulo PSL(2,R), which is called the universal Teichmueller space. It is also a coadjoint orbit of the Virasoro group and carries a complex structure (the Hilbert transform), a symplectic structure and a Riemannian structure which together give it a Kähler structure. In this lecture course I want to explore the Riemannian structure as a way to to find a distance function on a space of shapes. Results in this course are due to Kirillov, Bers, E.Sharon and D.Mumford, and others. All this is ongoing research.

250343 PJ+SE, Projektseminar Lie Gruppen und ihre Darstellungen

3h, P. Michor, W. Ruppert, A. Cap. Mo, 16.00-18.30, D-107, Beginn Mo. 6.3.
Wir setzen das Studium des Buches "Lie Theory: Unitary Representations and Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces" von J.P. Anker und B. Orsted (Ed.) fort. Ein Neueinstieg in das Seminar sollte aber ohne Schwierigkeiten möglich sein. Vorträge der Teilnehmer und gemeinsame Diskussionen
We continue our studz of the book "Lie Theory: Unitary Representations and Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces" by J.P. Anker and B. Orsted (Ed.). Although we have already started with the book, it should not be difficult to enter the seminar at this stage Talks by the participants and discussions

250347 SE, Seminar (Differentialgeometrie)

2h, P. Michor, A. Cap, A. Kriegl. Do, 15.00-17.30, Beginn Do. 9.3.

Diese Veranstaltung dient der Diskussion von Arbeiten von Dissentanten und Diplomanden und von eigenen Arbeiten.
Discussion of the ongoing work of graduate students and ourselves.

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