Mathematical Departement, University of Vienna
Homepage of Yury Neretin
Mathematician. Domains of interest: representation theory and noncommutative harmonic analysis,
infinite dimensional groups, special functions, operator theory,
mathematical physics, symmetric spaces, matrix geometry, history of mathematics
My foto ( More )
List of publications
ORCID: 0000-0002-6467-6849
MathSciNet ID/210026
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Papers in arXiv (after 2000)
Curriculum Vitae
Teaching and lecture courses
Grants FWF (stand alone projects)
Homepage of the project
FWF, P19064
Homepage of the project
FWF, P22122
Homepage of the project
FWF, P25142
Homepage of the project
FWF, P28421
Homepage of the project
FWF, P31591
Lectures 2004--2006
Some electronically available papers
Research gate:Yury Neretin
Some my old scanned papers
Personalia (Essays about distinguished mathematicians)
Papers in irregular issues and videos
Some my old works on infinite dimensional groups, 1984-1996 (Russian)
Papers on
mathematical education and education polytics (Russian)
Comments concerning recent statistical pseudosciences:
"Mathematics of elections"
More references),
"New chronology", Morozov-Fomenko theory
2 )
MISCELANIA (XX-XXI centure: history of mathematics, history of Soviet biology, history.
Collection of documents, recollections, research. My papers and notes)
Historical text: 1937/1793. Formulation
of problem (research based on open mass data, 2007, Russian)