Analytic torsion of filtered manifolds

Stefan Haller


This was a four year (July 2019 -- July 2023) research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Grant DOI: 10.55776/P31663      FWF logo

The project was hosted at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Vienna and led by the principal investigator Stefan Haller.



In this research project we studied analytic torsion of differential complexes naturally associated with filtered manifolds. In particular, we studied the analytic torsion of the Rumin complex on filtered manifolds whose osculating algebras have pure cohomology. As the Rumin complex of such a filtered manifold is a Rockland complex, the analogue of an elliptic complex in the Heisenberg calculus, the necessary subelliptic analysis is readily available. Besides trivially filtered manifolds which give rise to the Ray-Singer analytic torsion, and contact manifolds which give rise to the Rumin-Seshadri analytic torsion, this class includes generic rank two distributions in dimension five, also known as (2,3,5) distributions. These distributions have first been studied by Cartan in a celebrated paper form 1910 where he shows that they can be described equivalently as regular normal parabolic geometries associated with a particular parabolic subgroup of the split real form of the exceptional Lie group G2.

We expect that the analytic torsion of the Rumin complex captures global features of the underlying filtered geometry. We hope that it will shed new light on questions related to the h-principle on closed manifolds: Is every formal structure (filtration) homotopic to a genuine filtered manifold? Are two formally homotopic filtered manifolds actually homotopic? More specifically: Are there, beyond the rather obvious topological restrictions, any geometrical obstructions to the existence of (2,3,5) distributions on closed 5-manifolds?
