The Erwin Schroedinger Institute for Mathematical Physics

Workshop: Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions

In the period October 16 - 25, 2013, the ESI will host a workshop "Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions", organized by Dihua Jiang (U Minnesota), Peter Sarnak (U Princeton and IAS), Joachim Schwermer (U Vienna), Freydoon Shahidi (Purdue U). A major part of this activity will be set up in honor of the 60th Birthday of James W. Cogdell. Topics to be dealt with include:

  • Rankin-Selberg theory, Converse Theory and Explicit Constructions
  • Applications of endoscopy to the geometry and arithmetic of Shimura varieties
  • Langlands functoriality beyond endoscopy
  • On the classification of automorphic representations for classical groups - A-packets
  • Eisenstein series, L-functions and their special values

We start of with a working period, individual talks and instructional courses, October 16-20, continue with the "Cogdell" activity, finally followed by talks whose speakers are fixed on short notice during the activity.