Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 77

September 11 - 14, 2016, Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung, Strobl, Austria


[B77a] Jérémie Bettinelli, Éric Fusy, Cécile Mailler and Lucas Randazzo
A Bijective Study of Basketball Walks (24 pp.)
[B77b] Jean-Christophe Aval and Frédéric Chapoton
Poset Structures on (m+2)-angulations and Polynomial Bases of the Quotient by Gm-Quasisymmetric Functions (14 pp.)
[B77c] Jonah Blasiak
Kronecker Coefficients For One Hook Shape (40 pp.)
[B77d] Thierry Bousch
La Tour de Stockmeyer (30 pp.)
[B77e] Gerhard Röhrle
Divisionally free Restrictions of Reflection Arrangements (8 pp.)
[B77f] Martin Rubey
An Involution on Dyck Paths That Preserves the Rise Composition and Interchanges the Number of Returns and the Position of the First Double Fall (4 pp.)
[B77g] Mark Dukes and Thomas Selig
Decomposing Recurrent States of the Abelian Sandpile Model (25 pp.)
[B77h] Michele D'Adderio and Yvan Le Borgne
The Sandpile Model on Km,n and the Rank of its Configurations (48 pp.)
[B77i] Christos Athanasiadis (Semi-expository article)
Gamma-Positivity in Combinatorics and Geometry (64 pp.)