5.1.8 Lathe

The syntax of a lathe object is:


  linear_spline | quadratic_spline | cubic_spline | bezier_spline

See also:

This describes an object obtained by rotating the area between the $ y$-axes and the spline given by the NUM_POINTS many 2d-points in POINT_LIST around the $ y$-axes.

Figure: Lathe objects with linear and with Bezier splines
Image /home/andreas/tex/Books/computer-graphics/img//obj-lathe-linear.png     Image /home/andreas/tex/Books/computer-graphics/img//obj-lathe-bezier.png

For the spline type linear_spline we need NUM_POINTS$ \geq 2$, and for the spline type quadratic_spline we need $ n=$NUM_POINTS$ \geq 3$, where from $ P_k$ to $ P_{k+1}$ we use the quadratic spline constructed for $ P_{k-1},P_{k},P_{k+1}$. Thus the curve will start only at $ P_1$ and end at $ P_n$, and $ P_0$ is just a control point.

For cubic_splines we need $ n=$NUM_POINTS$ \geq 4$, where from $ P_k$ to $ P_{k+1}$ we use the cubic spline constructed for $ P_{k-1},P_{k},P_{k+1},P_{k+2}$. Thus the curve will start only at $ P_1$ and end at $ P_{n-1}$, and both $ P_0$ and $ P_n$ are just control points.

Finally for bezier_spline we need $ 4n=$NUM_POINTS, where we use the cubic Bezier curve through the points $ P_{4n},P_{4n+1},P_{4n+2},P_{4n+3}$ from $ P_{4n}$ to $ P_{4n+3}=P_{4(n+1)}$. Thus only the points $ P_0,P_3=P_4,\dots,P_{4n-1}$ will ly on the curve, the others are just control points.

Andreas Kriegl 2003-07-23