Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B14c (1986), 38 pp.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1986, 323/S-14, p. 5-42.]

David Bressoud

Constant Term Identities

Abstract. This article is intended as an overview of a very rapidly developing and exciting subject. The problem at hand is the evaluation of the constant term in the Laurent expansions of certain products indexed by root systems of Lie algebras. These evaluations are equivalent to computing certain multi-dimenslonal definite integrals which have arisen in physical problems.

The implications of this subject, however, go far beyond their physical applications. As will be discussed in the last section, there are tie-ins to representation theory and the decomposition of characters, to cyclic homology and most significantly to higher dimensional analogs of hypergeometric series which carry the symmetry of the Weyl group of the associated root system.

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