Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 80B.22 (2018), 12 pp.

Monica Garcia and Alexander Garver

Semistable Subcategories for Tiling Algebras

Abstract. Semistable subcategories were introduced in the context of Mumford's GIT and interpreted by King in terms of representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. Ingalls and Thomas later showed that for finite dimensional algebras of Dynkin and affine type, the poset of semistable subcategories is isomorphic to the corresponding lattice of noncrossing partitions. We show that semistable subcategories defined by tiling algebras, introduced by Sim{\~o}es and Parsons, are in bijection with noncrossing tree partitions, introduced by the second author and McConville. Our work recovers that of Ingalls and Thomas in Dynkin type A.

Received: November 14, 2017. Accepted: February 17, 2018. Final version: April 1, 2018.

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