Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire - FPSAC 2021

Issue 85B

Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", January 10 - 13, 2022, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel


Extended Abstracts of Talks and Posters

[85B.1] Sheila Sundaram
The Homology Representation of Subword Order (12 pp.)
[85B.2] Étienne Tétreault
A New Order on Integer Partitions (12 pp.)
[85B.3] Rebecca Patrias and Oliver Pechenik
Proof of the Cameron and Fon-Der-Flaass Periodicity Conjecture (7 pp.)
[85B.4] Connor Ahlbach, Jacob David, Suho Oh and Christopher Wu
Tableau Stabilization and Lattice Paths (12 pp.)
[85B.5] Zachary Hamaker, Oliver Pechenik and Anna Weigandt
Gröbner Geometry of Schubert Polynomials Through Ice (12 pp.)
[85B.6] Nicholas J. Williams
The First Higher Stasheff-Tamari Orders Are Quotients of the Higher Bruhat Orders (12 pp.)
[85B.7] Colin Defant
3-Stack-Sortable Permutations and Beyond (12 pp.)
[85B.8] Dan Betea and Alessandra Occelli
Muttalib-Borodin Plane Partitions and the Hard Edge of Random Matrix Ensembles (12 pp.)
[85B.9] Sylvie Corteel, Olya Mandelshtam and Austin Roberts
Fundamental Expansion of Quasisymmetric Macdonald Polynomials (12 pp.)
[85B.10] Doriann Albertin, Vincent Pilaud and Julian Ritter
Type Cones of Permutree Fans (12 pp.)
[85B.11] Arnau Padrol, Vincent Pilaud and Julian Ritter
Shard Polytopes (12 pp.)
[85B.12] Bin Han and Jiang Zeng
Equidistributions of Mesh Patterns of Length Two (12 pp.)
[85B.13] Patricia Klein and Jenna Rajchgot
Geometric Vertex Decomposition and Liaison (12 pp.)
[85B.14] Ben Drucker, Eli Garcia, Emily Gunawan and Rose Silver
Box-ball Systems and RSK Tableaux (12 pp.)
[85B.15] Sarah Brauner
Eulerian Representations for Real Reflection Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.16] Thomas McConville, Bruce Sagan and Clifford Smyth
On a Rank-Unimodality Conjecture of Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko (12 pp.)
[85B.17] Daoji Huang
Bijective Proofs of Monk's rule for Schubert and Double Schubert Polynomials with Bumpless Pipe Dreams (12 pp.)
[85B.18] Foster Tom
A Combinatorial Schur Expansion of Triangle-Free Horizontal-Strip LLT Polynomials (12 pp.)
[85B.19] Joel Brewster Lewis and Jiayuan Wang
The Hurwitz Action in Complex Rreflection Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.20] Cristian Lenart and Adam Schultze
On Combinatorial Models for Affine Crystals (12 pp.)
[85B.21] Noga Alon, Colin Defant, and Noah Kravitz
Friends and Strangers Walking on Graphs (12 pp.)
[85B.22] Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito and Daisuke Sagaki
A Combinatorial Chevalley Formula for Semi-Infinite Flag Manifolds and its Applications (12 pp.)
[85B.23] Kohhei Motegi and Travis Scrimshaw
Refined Dual Grothendieck Polynomials, Integrability, and the Schur Measure (12 pp.)
[85B.24] Taehyeok Heo and Jae-Hoon Kwon
Combinatorial Howe Duality of Symplectic Type (12 pp.)
[85B.25] Karolina Wojtyniak
Bijection between Trees in Stanley Character Formula and Factorizations of a Cycle (12 pp.)
[85B.26] Manfred Buchacher, Manuel Kauers and Amélie Trotignon
Quadrant Walks Starting Outside the Quadrant (11 pp.)
[85B.27] John Rhodes and Anne Schilling
Mixing Time for Markov Chain on Linear Extensions (12 pp.)
[85B.28] Donghyun Kim and Lauren Williams
Schubert Polynomials and the Inhomogeneous TASEP on a Ring (12 pp.)
[85B.29] Max Hlavacek and Liam Solus
Subdivisions of Shellable Complexes (12 pp.)
[85B.30] Xi Chen, Bishal Deb, Alexander Dyachenko, Tomack Gilmore and Alan D. Sokal
Coefficientwise Total Positivity of Some Matrices Defined by Linear Recurrences (12 pp.)
[85B.31] Vincent Pilaud, Viviane Pons and Daniel Tamayo Jiménez
Permutree Sorting (12 pp.)
[85B.32] Guillaume Chapuy and Maciej Dołęga
Non-Orientable Branched Coverings, b-Hurwitz Numbers, and Positivity for Multiparametric Jack Expansions (12 pp.)
[85B.33] Dan Betea, Jérémie Bouttier and Harriet Walsh
Multicritical Random Partitions (12 pp.)
[85B.34] Pavel Galashin
Critical Varieties in the Grassmannian (12 pp.)
[85B.35] Dylan Heuer and Jessica Striker
Partial Permutation and Alternating Sign Matrix Polytopes (12 pp.)
[85B.36] Eric Nathan Stucky, Marko Thiel and Nathan Williams
Strange Expectations in Affine Weyl Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.37] Stephan Pfannerer
A Refinement of the Murnaghan-Nakayama Rule by Descents for Border Strip Tableaux (12 pp.)
[85B.38] Matthias Beck, Benjamin Braun and Andrés R. Vindas-Meléndez
Decompositions of Ehrhart h*-Polynomials for Rational Polytopes (12 pp.)
[85B.39] Valentin Buciumas and Travis Scrimshaw
Double Grothendieck Polynomials and Colored Lattice Models (12 pp.)
[85B.40] Christian Gaetz and Yibo Gao
Minimal Elements for the Limit Weak Order on Affine Weyl Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.41] Christian Gaetz and Yibo Gao
The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.42] Matias von Bell, Rafael S. González D'León, Francisco A. Mayorga Cetina and Martha Yip
On Framed Triangulations of Flow Polytopes, the ν-Tamari Lattice and Young's Lattice (12 pp.)
[85B.43] Matjaž Konvalinka and Vasu Tewari
Some Natural Extensions of the Parking Space (12 pp.)
[85B.44] Cesar Ceballos and Henri Mühle
F- and H-Triangles for ν-Associahedra (12 pp.)
[85B.45] Nantel Bergeron, Aram Dermenjian and John Machacek
Sign Variation and Descents (12 pp.)
[85B.46] Federico Castillo, Yairon Cid-Ruiz, Binglin Li, Jonathan Monta and Naizhen Zhang
When are Multidegrees Positive? (12 pp.)
[85B.47] Cyril Banderier and Michael Wallner
Young Tableaux with Periodic Walls: Counting with the Density Method (12 pp.)
[85B.48] Emanuele Delucchi and Kolja Knauer
Finitary Affine Oriented Matroids (12 pp.)
[85B.49] Vassilis-Dionyssis Moustakas
Specializations of Colored Quasisymmetric Functions (12 pp.)
[85B.50] Eric Marberg and Yifeng Zhang
Perfect Models and Gelfand W-Graphs (12 pp.)
[85B.51] Balthazar Charles
Low Elements and Small Inversion Sets are in Bijection in Rank 3 Coxeter Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.52] Mrigendra Singh Kushwaha, K. N. Raghavan and Sankaran Viswanath
The saturation Problem for Refined Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients (12 pp.)
[85B.53] Inês Rodrigues
Shifted Bender-Knuth Moves and a Shifted Berenstein-Kirillov Group (12 pp.)
[85B.54] Pavel Galashin and Thomas Lam
Positroids, Knots, and q,t-Catalan Numbers (12 pp.)
[85B.55] Jongwon Kim and Brendon Rhoades
Fermionic Diagonal Coinvariants and Exterior Lefschetz Elements (12 pp.)
[85B.56] Arvind Ayyer, Olya Mandelshtam and James Martin
Multispecies TAZRP and Modified Macdonald Polynomials (12 pp.)
[85B.57] Steven N. Karp and Hugh Thomas
q-Whittaker Functions, Finite Fields, and Jordan Forms (12 pp.)
[85B.58] Darij Grinberg and Ekaterina A. Vassilieva
Weighted Posets and the Enriched Monomial Basis of QSym (12 pp.)
[85B.59] Federico Castillo, Joseph Doolittle, Bennet Goeckner, Michael S. Ross and Li Ying
Minkowski Summands of Cubes (12 pp.)
[85B.60] Alexander Garver, Stefan Grosser, Jacob P. Matherne and Alejandro H. Morales
Counting Linear Extensions of Posets with Determinants of Hook Lengths (12 pp.)
[85B.61] José Bastidas
The Polytope Algebra of Generalized Permutahedra (12 pp.)
[85B.62] Alex McDonough
A Combinatorial Mapping for the Higher-Dimensional Matrix-Tree Theorem (12 pp.)
[85B.63] Christine Berkesch, Patricia Klein, Michael C. Loper and Jay Yang
Combinatorial Aspects of Virtually Cohen-Macaulay Sheaves (12 pp.)
[85B.64] Emma Yu Jin and Michael J. Schlosser
Bi-Symmetric Multiple Equidistributions on Ascent Sequences (12 pp.)
[85B.65] Laura Colmenarejo, Alejandro H. Morales and Greta Panova
Chromatic Symmetric Functions of Dyck Paths and q-Rook Theory (12 pp.)
[85B.66] Theo Douvropoulos, Joel Brewster Lewis and Alejandro H. Morales
Hurwitz Numbers for Reflection Groups (12 pp.)
[85B.67] Eric Marberg and Brendan Pawlowski
Principal Specializations of Schubert Polynomials in Classical Types (12 pp.)
[85B.68] Joshua Bardwell and Dominic Searles
Young Row-Strict Quasisymmetric Schur Functions and 0-Hecke Modules (12 pp.)
[85B.69] Seung-Il Choi, Young-Hun Kim, Sun-Young Nam and Young-Tak Oh
Modules of the 0-Hecke Algebra Arising from Standard Permuted Composition Tableaux (12 pp.)
[85B.70] Jaeseong Oh
Orbit Harmonics and Cyclic Sieving: a Survey (12 pp.)
[85B.71] Justine Falque
A Bijection Between Weighted Dyck Paths and 1234-Avoiding Alternating Permutations (12 pp.)
[85B.72] Robert Scherer
A Criterion for Sharpness in Tree Enumeration and the Asymptotic Number of Triangulations in Kuperberg's G2 Spider (12 pp.)
[85B.73] Kento Nakada
Inset Games and Strategies (12 pp.)
[85B.74] Joseph Bernstein, Jessica Striker and Corey Vorland
P-strict Promotion and Piecewise-Linear Rowmotion, with Applications to Flagged Tableaux (12 pp.)
[85B.75] Lukas Kühne
The Universality of the Resonance Arrangement and its Betti Numbers (12 pp.)
[85B.76] Sean T. Griffin, Jake Levinson and Alexander Woo
Springer Fibers and the Delta Conjecture at t=0 (12 pp.)
[85B.77] João Miguel Santos
Symplectic Right Keys - Type C Willis' Direct Way (12 pp.)
[85B.78] Alin Bostan, Manuel Kauers and Thibaut Verron
The Generating Function of Kreweras Walks with Interacting Boundaries is not Algebraic (12 pp.)
[85B.79] Florian Aigner and Gabriel Frieden
qRSt: A Probabilistic Robinson-Schensted Correspondence for Macdonald Polynomials (12 pp.)
[85B.80] Hans Höngesberg
Weight-Preserving Bijections between Integer Partitions and a Family of Alternating Sign Trapezoids (12 pp.)
[85B.81] Chaim Even-Zohar, Tsviqa Lakrec and Ran J. Tessler
Spectral Analysis of Word Statistics (12 pp.)
[85B.82] Christian Gaetz, Yibo Gao, Pakawut Jiradilok, Gleb Nenashev and Alexander Postnikov
The Maximum Multiplicity of a Generator in a Reduced Word (12 pp.)
[85B.83] Volker Genz and Gleb Koshevoy
Maximal Green Sequences for Triangle Products (12 pp.)
[85B.84] Per Alexandersson, Stephan Pfannerer, Martin Rubey and Joakim Uhlin
Skew Characters and Cyclic Sieving (12 pp.)
[85B.85] GaYee Park
Naruse Hook Formula for Linear Extensions of Mobile Posets (12 pp.)
[85B.86] Man-Wai Cheung, Elizabeth Kelley and Gregg Musiker
Cluster Scattering Diagrams and Theta Basis for Reciprocal Generalized Cluster Algebras (12 pp.)
[85B.87] Brendon Rhoades, Tianyi Yu and Zehong Zhao
Harmonic Bases for Generalized Coinvariant Algebras (12 pp.)
[85B.88] Michaela Coleman, Anton Dochtermann, Nathan Geist and Suho Oh
Completing and Extending Shellings of Vertex Decomposable Complexes (12 pp.)
[85B.89] Helen Jenne, Gautam Webb and Benjamin Young
The Combinatorial PT-DT Correspondence (12 pp.)
[85B.90] Eric Marberg and Brendan Pawlowski
Gröbner Geometry for Skew-Symmetric Matrix Schubert Varieties (12 pp.)