Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire - LPC 2021

Issue 87B

Special issue on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Interactions

After the 9th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications, July 21 - 25, 2021, CIRM, Luminy, France, all participants were invited to submit articles to a special issue, which are now pleased to release.

Here is the full volume PDF (302 pp.).


Preface by the editors, Cyril Banderier, Christian Krattenthaler, and Michael Wallner (10 pp.)


[87B.1] Helmut Prodinger
A walk in my lattice path garden (49 pp.)
[87B.2] Anthony J. Guttmann and Václav Kotěšovec
A numerical study of L-convex polyominoes and 201-avoiding ascent sequences (11 pp.)
[87B.3] David W. Ash
Introducing DASEP: the doubly asymmetric simple exclusion process (11 pp.)
[87B.4] Stéphane Ouvry and Alexios P. Polychronakos
Signed area enumeration for lattice paths (13 pp.)
[87B.5] Aubrey Blecher and Arnold Knopfmacher
Left-to-right maxima in Dyck paths (12 pp.)
[87B.6] Rigoberto Flórez, Toufik Mansour, José L. Ramírez, Fabio A. Velandia, and Diego Villamizar
Restricted Dyck paths on valleys sequence (20 pp.)
[87B.7] Sergi Elizalde
Counting lattice paths by crossings and major index II: tracking descents via two-rowed arrays (36 pp.)
[87B.8] Jang Soo Kim and Dennis Stanton
Three families of q-Lommel polynomials (25 pp.)
[87B.9] Malvina Vamvakari
On q-order statistics (25 pp.)
[87B.10] Thomas Dreyfus
Differential algebraic generating series of weighted walks in the quarter plane (23 pp.)
[87B.11] Rodolphe Garbit and Kilian Raschel
The generating function of the survival probabilities in a cone is not rational (17 pp.)
[87B.12] Rafik Aguech, Asma Althagafi, and Cyril Banderier
Height of walks with resets, the Moran model, and the discrete Gumbel distribution (37 pp.)

Bibtex file

Here is a .bib containing all these references.