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Topics: Six conferences and workshops: ESA 2017 – The 25th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms IPEC 2017 – The 12th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation WAOA 2017 – The 15th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms ALGOSENSORS 2017 – The 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Networks ATMOS 2017 – The 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization and Systems ALGOCLOUD 2017 – The 3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing | ||
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David Woodruff | HS 1 | Mon, 4. Sep 17, 13:30 |
Sketching for geometric problems | ||
I will give an overview of the technique of sketching, or randomized data dimensionality reduction, and its applications to fundamental geometric problems such as projection (regression) onto flats and more general objects, as well as low rank approximation and clustering applications. | ||
Babak Falsafi | HS 1 | Tue, 5. Sep 17, 13:30 |
The clouds have taken over, but algorithms are here to save the day | ||
Cloud providers are building infrastructure at unprecedented speeds. We have witnessed the emergence of data-centric information technology in almost every aspect of our life from commerce, healthcare, entertainment, governance to scientific discovery. The demand for processing, communicating and storing data has grown faster than conventional growth in digital platforms. Meanwhile the conventional silicon technologies we have relied on for the past several decades leading to the exponential growth in IT have slowed down. In light of this increase in demand on data-centric IT and the diminishing returns in platform scalability, our future increasingly relies on algorithms to save the day and enable a continued growth in IT. In this talk, I will motivate the grand challenges in scaling digital platforms and data-centric technologies, then present opportunities for hand-in-hand collaboration of algorithms and platforms. | ||
Fabrizio Grandoni | Wed, 6. Sep 17, 9:00 | |
A measure and conquer approach for the analysis of exact algorithms | ||
Branch-and-reduce is one of the most common techniques to design exact (exponential-time) algorithms for NP-hard problems. The basic idea is to branch on a collection of “smaller” subproblems which are solved recursively. The traditional way to upper bound the running time of such algorithms is to lower bound the decrease of the “size” of each subproblem with respect to the original one. Here the size of a subproblem is traditionally measured according to the target parameter in terms of which one wishes to express the final running time (e.g., the number of nodes or edges in the input graph, the number of clauses in a CNF formula, etc.). The basic idea behind the Measure and Conquer technique is to use a non-standard measure of subproblems size, in order to implicitly exploit configurations where an “expensive” branching step leads to a “simpler” collection of subproblems. A smartly designed measure can lead to a dramatic reduction of the running time bound (without changing the algorithm!). In this talk I will illustrate Measure and Conquer with a few examples coming from my past work on this topic and from some more recent developments. | ||
David Mount | HS 1 | Wed, 6. Sep 17, 13:30 |
Approximation algorithms for geometric proximity problems | ||
I will present an overview of recent developments in the design of efficient approximation algorithms for geometric proximity problems. These include polytope membership, nearest neighbor searching, Euclidean minimum spanning trees, low-complexity polytope approximation, and coresets. I will discuss how new sampling techniques arising from classical concepts such as Delone sets, Macbeath regions, and the Hilbert geometry have led to a number of new results, which are simple, general, implementable, and provably close to optimal. | ||
Kurk Pruhs | HS 1 | Thu, 7. Sep 17, 9:00 |
The Itinerant List Update Problem | ||
I will introduce a variation of the online List Update Problem, which we call the Itinerant List Update Problem (ILU). The main difference between ILU and the standard list update problem is that in ILU the read head is not required to return to a home position between accesses. The motivation for considering ILU arises from track management within Domain Wall Memory (DWM), a promising new memory technology. I will explain DWM technology, discuss how ILU differs algorithmically from the standard list update problem, and explain what we know about the offline and online versions of ILU. This is joint work with Neil Olver, Kevin Schewior, Rene Sitters and Leen Stougie. | ||
Daniel Delling | HS 1 | Thu, 7. Sep 17, 13:30 |
Route planning in Transportation Networks - from Research to practice | ||
The last 15 years have seen astonishing progress in the performance of shortest path algorithms for transportation networks. In particular, for road networks, modern algorithms can be up to seven orders of magnitude faster than standard solutions. Since these algorithms enable several new applications, many of them have found their way into systems serving hundreds of millions of users every day. This talk highlights key techniques, discusses their impact on the industry, and provides an outlook on upcoming challenges. | ||
Jie Gao | HS 1 | Fri, 8. Sep 17, 9:00 |
New challenges in distributed sensing, processing and query of spatial data | ||
The vision of networked sensors in a ubiquitous manner has motivated the development of new algorithms on distributed sensing, processing and query of spatially and temporally separated data in the past 15 years. As smart sensing continues to spread in everyday living space, new challenges in the frontier of data privacy emerge. In this talk I would like to discuss new problems and solutions on distributed sensing and processing of location and trajectory data, which protect personally sensitive information. | ||
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