Higher order symplectic structures on shape spaces of space curves. Conference "Geometric Sciences in Action". CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, France. 27 May - 31 May 2024.
Shape Spaces and their Applications: A Stroll Through Infinite Dimensions. Colloquium Dept of Mathematics, Masaryk University Brno, April 25, 2024.
Regularity and Completeness of half Lie groups. Conference: Infinite dimensional Geometry and flows, BIRS research station. Banff, Canada. November 5-10, 2023.
Strolling around the concept of shape space. Colloquium Dept of Mathematics, Florida State University, Tallahassee. Sept. 8, 2023.
Orbit spaces and Polar Actions. Math in the mine II, Miniere de Vallauria, Tende, Alpes Maritimes. July 16-23, 2023.
Pulling back metrics from the space of all Riemannian metrics to the diffeomorphism group and the elasticity complex. Winterschool Geometry and Physics. Srni, Jan 14--23, 2023.
Whitney manifold germs as source for manifolds of mappings. NCSU Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar, October 26, 2022.
Regularity and Completeness of half Lie groups. Central European Seminar on Differential Geometry, Brno. October 21, 2022.
Whitney manifold germs as source for manifolds of mappings. Mathematisches Kolloquium, Universität Wien. October 12, 2022.
Geometry of infinite dimensional Cartan Developments. Workshop: Math on Langeland, July 24 -- 30, 2022
Geometry of infinite dimensional Cartan Developments. Conference: Differential Geometry and its Applications 22, July 17 -- 23, 2022. University Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic,
Whitney manifold germs as source for manifolds of mappings. Central European Seminar on Differential Geometry. Masaryk University Brno. February 25, 2022
Whitney manifold germs aka Manifolds with wild boundary. Conference: Analysis on singular spaces. University of Münster. September 20 -- 24, 2021
Uniqueness of the Fisher--Rao metric on the space of smooth densities on a closed manifold. Information Geometry Seminar, Stony Brook, NY, March 19, 2021.
Whitney manifold germs. Workshop Math in the Clouds, July 3, 2020
Mathematik in Österreich zur NS-Zeit. Katholischer Akademiker/innenverband der Erzdiözese Wien 16. Oktober 2018.
General Sobolev metrics on the manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Eduard-Cech-Institue Workshop, Trest, October 13-14, 2018.
General Sobolev metrics on the manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Seminaire de Geometrie, Institut Camille Jordan, Universite de Lyon/Saint Etienne 1. 14 septembre 2018.
Manifolds of mappings and shape spaces. Seminaire du CMLA, ENS de Cachan, Paris, 11 septembre 2018.
`Shape spaces' alias `Moduli spaces in the differentiable category'. From Algebraic Geometry to Vision and AI: A Symposium Celebrating the Mathematical Work of David Mumford. Harvard University, August 18-20, 2018.
Uniqueness of the Fisher--Rao metric on the space of smooth densities. Central European Seminar, Brno, April 6, 2018.
Soliton solutions for the elastic metric on spaces of curves. Workshop: Flows, mappings and shapes. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK. Monday 11th December 2017 to Friday 15th December 2017. Video of the lecture.
General Sobolev metrics on the manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Workshop: Shape analysis and computational anatomy. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK. Mon 13th Nov 2017 - Fri 17th Nov 2017. Video of the lecture.
Overview on analysis and geometries of shape spaces and diffeomorphism groups. Workshop on Applications-Driven Geometric Functional Data Analysis. To Honor Scientific Contributions of Prof. Ulf Grenander (1923-2016). Florida State University, Tallahassee. October 8-11, 2017.
General Sobolev metrics on the manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Workshop: Geometric Analysis. Valencia 2017. Homage to Olga Gil Medrano. 5 to 8 September 2017.
Geometry of shape spaces and diffeomorphism groups and some of their uses. Colloquium, May 31, 2017, Harvard University, Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications.
Old and New on Diffeomorphism Groups Too. 50th Seminar ''Sophus Lie''. 25 September - 1 October 2016, Bedlewo, Poland
Infinite dimensional Lie groups: Diffeomorphism groups. MIT Lie Groups Seminar. Cambridge, USA. September 14, 2016.
Infinite dimensional manifolds.
(Not all slides were presented).
A series of 4.5 hours of lectures at:
XXV International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics.
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (CSIC) Madrid, Spain.
August 29 - September 02, 2016.
Invariance and Geometry of the Fisher--Rao metric on the space of smooth densities. Workshop: Geometria we Fisica, a geometrical vision of physics. Celebrating 70th birthday of Giuseppe Marmo July 11-13, 2016, San Rufo, Campania, Italia.
Uniqueness of the Fisher--Rao metric on the space of smooth densities. IGAIA IV: Information Geometry and its Applications IV, June 12-17, 2016, Liblice, Czech Republic.
Uniqueness of the Fisher--Rao metric on the space of smooth densities. Conference: Geometric Analysis in Control and Vision Theory. 8-14 May, 2016. Bergen/Voss, Norway.
Infinite dimensional differential geometry: The space of all Riemannian metrics on a compact manifold and several natural weak Riemannian metrics on it. Mathematical Physics and Combinatorics Seminar, Brunel University, London. February 23, 2016
Overview on Convenient Calculus and Differential
Geometry in Infinite dimensions, with Applications
to Diffeomorphism Groups and Shape Spaces.
A series of 5 lectures, held at the
ESI Programme: Infinite-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry
with Applications to Image Matching and Shape Analysis.
January 19-23, 2015.
Uniqueness of the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of smooth densities.
Workshop on "Infinite-dimensional Riemannian geometry".
ESI Programme:
Infinite-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry
with Applications to Image Matching and Shape Analysis.
Vienna, Austria.
January 12-16, 2015.
Overview on Geometries of Diffeomorphism Groups.
Workshop: Variational methods in imaging.
RICAM, Linz.
October 27-31, 2014.
My lecture here was a subset of the Pisa-lectures.
Overview on Geometries of Shape Spaces and Diffeomorphism Groups.
Workshop: Geometric Models in Vision.
Institut Henri Poincare, Paris.
October 22-24, 2014.
My lecture here was a subset of the Pisa-lectures.
Frölicher spaces as a setting for tree spaces and stratified spaces
Mini-Workshop: Asymptotic statistics on stratified spaces.
September 29 - October 4, 2014.
Overview on Convenient Calculus and Differential
Geometry in Infinite dimensions, with Applications
to Diffeomorphism Groups and Shape Spaces, or
Geodesic evolution equations on shape spaces and diffeormorphism groups.
A series of 6 lectures, held at the
ERC School on Geometric Evolution Problems,
Centro De Giorgi, Pisa
June 23-27, 2014.
An newer version of these lecture was held at ESI in
January 19-23, 2015. See there for the slides.
Approximating Euler's equation on the full diffeomorphism group,
and soliton-like solutions.
Geometrical Aspects of Hydrodynamics workshop.
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
Stony Brook University.
May 19 - 23, 2014.
Video of the Lecture on the SCGP-webpage.
Overview on
Convenient Calculus and Differential Geometry in Infinite dimensions, with
Applications to
Diffeomorphism Groups and Shape Spaces
Workshop: Infinite dimensional geometry.
MSRI and UC Berkeley, USA, December 7-8, 2013.
Convenient Calculus and Differential Geometry in Infinite Dimensions
Norwegian Summer School on Analysis and Geometry,
Norway, June 24-28, 2013.
Overview on geometries of shape spaces, diffeomorphism groups, and
spaces of Riemannian metrics
Norwegian Summer School on Analysis and Geometry,
Norway, June 24-28, 2013.
Robust Infinite Dimensional Riemannian manifolds,
Sobolev Metrics on Diffeomorphism Groups,
and the Derived Geometry of Shape Spaces
Conference: Differential Geometry and its Applications
Brno, Czech Republic,
August 23, 2013.
Euler's equation of fluids and $\text{Diff}_{H^\infty}(\mathbb R^n)$
Norwegian Summer School on Analysis and Geometry,
Norway, June 24-28, 2013.
On the Hunter-Saxton equation on $\textrm{Diff}_{\mathcal A}(\mathbb R)$
Norwegian Summer School on Analysis and Geometry,
Norway, June 24-28, 2013.