Papers and Drafts
by Vera Vértesi


Low dimensional Topoology
A User's Guide to Foliated Open Books
(with Joan Licata) submitted

A friendly introduction to the bordered contact invariant
(with Akram Alishahi, Joan Licata and I. Petkova) submitted

Bordered Floer homology and contact structures
(with Akram Alishahi, Viktória Földvári, Kristen Hendricks, Joan Licata and I. Petkova) submitted

Foliated Open Books
(with Joan Licata) submitted

Quantum gl(1|1) and tangle Floer homology
(with A.P. Ellis and I. Petkova) Adv. Math. 350 (2019), 130–189.

Legendrian satellites (with J. Etnyre)
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2018, no. 23, 7241–7304

Braids in contact 3-manifolds
Winter Braids Lect. Notes 4 (2017), Winter Braids VII (Caen, 2017)

An introduction to tangle Floer homology (with I. Petkova)
Proceedings of the Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2015, 168–186

A self-pairing theorem for tangle Floer homology (with I. Petkova)
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, accepted

Combinatorial tangle Floer homology (with I. Petkova)
Geometry & Topology, 20 (2016), no. 6, 3219–3332.

On the equivalence of Legendrian and Transverse Invariants in Knot Floer Homology
(with J. Baldwin and D.S. Vela-Vick) Geometry & Topology, 17:905-924, 2013

Legendrian and transverse Twist Knots (with J. Etnyre and L. Ng)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society15:969-995, 2013

Csomók és 3-háromsokaságok - Heegaard Floer homológiák (in Hungarian)
Matematikai Lapok, Új sorozat 17:35-73, 2011

Transversely non-simple Knots
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 8:1481--1498, 2008

On Invariants for Legendrian knots(with A. Stipsicz)
Pacific Journal of Math., 17:449-459, 2007

Universal Algebra
The Complexity of the Word-Problem for Finite Matrix Rings (with Cs. Szabó)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 132:3689-3695, 2004

The Complexity of Checking Identities for Finite Matrix Rings (with Cs. Szabó)
Algebra Universalis 51:439-445, 2004

The Membership Problem in Finite Flat Hypergraph Algebras (with G. Kun)
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 17:449-459, 2007

The Equivalence Problem in Finite Rings (with Cs. Szabó)
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 21:449-445, 2011

Checking Identities in 0-simple Semigroups (in Russian) (with M. Volkov and S. Pletseva)
Journal of Ural State University, 43:72-103, 2006

Azonosságok 0-egyszerű félcsoportokban (in Hungarian)
Matematikai Lapok, Új sorozat 13:54-75, 2008

Last modified:
Apr. 2021