Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B90pref (2023), 1 p.

Christian Stump


The 90th meeting of the Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire took place from September 3 to September 6, 2023, for the third time at the beautiful Evangelische Akademie in Bad Boll (Germany) at the foot of the Schwäbischen Alb. We enjoyed three days of "Kaiserwetter" ("emperor's weather"), with a blue sky and pleasantly gentle evenings.

Our previous meeting two years ago which was still strongly influenced by the Corona pandemic, so we particularly enjoyed a completely normal (and thus enjoyful) Séminaire without any disruptive events.

We had two remarkable lecture series:

The topics of the contributed talks are detailed in the list below and, particularly important, included several young participants who gave their first in-person presentations of their interesting work.

We very much enjoyed the atmosphere: some were walking through the hilly surroundings (or to the Italian ice cream place in town), some were playing soccer, some played billard or table football (aka foosball) at night, and many were sitting together outside in the evenings and enjoyed the meeting.

Contributed talks:

Seamus ALBION: Character factorisations and the Littlewood map

Houcine BEN DALI: Jack polynomials as generating series of non-oriented bipartite maps

Sarah BRAUNER: Card shuffling, q-analogs, and derangements

Benjamin DEQUÊNE: A generalized RSK correspondence via (type A) quiver representations

Aram DERMENJIAN: Conjugacy class growth in affine Coxeter groups

Darij GRINBERG: Symmetric function generalizations of the Rédei and Berge theorems for digraphs

Katerina KALAMPOGIA-EVANGELINOU: Some real-rooted polynomials in algebraic combinatorics

Viktória KLÁSZ: Connections between representation theory of algebras and combinatorics

Rene MARCZINZIK: Auslander regular algebras, the Coxeter matrix and applications

Soichi OKADA: Minor summation formula and classical group characters of nearly rectangular shape

Martin RUBEY: A bijectionist's toolkit (software demonstration)

Elisa SASSO: A diagrammatic representation of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra of type B

Florian SCHREIER-AIGNER: Fully complementary higher dimensional partitions

Jacinta TORRES: Atoms and Charge beyond type A

Eleni TZANAKI: On the enumeration of Shi regions in Weyl cones

Chao XU: Enumeration of colored permutations by the parity of descent positions

List of Participants: